Cup Noodle Scoring Ranking 2021

The cup noodles scored on this website in 2021 are listed in a ranking format.

“Last updated: June 12, 2021”


If you would like to know the detailed scoring results, evaluations and impressions of each cup noodle, please refer to the page that introduces individual cup noodles.

List of cup noodles and evaluation points scored in 2021

We have listed the scored cup noodles in descending order of score.

Clicking on the cup noodle name will open a page explaining the individual cup noodles with a separate tag. If there is no link, we are preparing an English page.

List of cup noodles and evaluation points scored in 2021
“130 points is perfect”
Yasai Tanmen “Ace Cook”
Homerunken Awasemiso “Table Mark”
Raou Noukou Miso “Nissin”
Tokyo Aburasoba “Nissin”
Jukusei Miso “Ace Cook”
Homerunken Torigara Shoyu “Table Mark”
Raou Seabura Shoyu “Nissin”
Noukou Kokuuma Gekikara Miso “Nissin”

The average score for each cup noodle is 90.7 pt.

Introduction of graders

Here is a brief introduction to the graders who score many cup noodles on this website.

Grader T

Age 40s man

Evaluation average score22.1

※Soup is very important, scoring is sweet.

Grader E

Age X s woman

Evaluation average score21.1

※Mother who mastered Japanese foods.

Grader R

Age 10s man

Evaluation average score21.9

※Young gastronomy.

Grader M

Age 10s woman

Evaluation average score20.7

※A young lady who is not good at spiciness. The scoring is dry.


The average evaluation score of each grader is 21.4 pt.

Coming soon

Noukou Tantanmen Menshokunin
Source Yakiudon Donbei
Yukikaze Sapporo Miso
Nara Tenri Sutamina
Koinibo Maruchan

Cup noodles that are often viewed on this website